Confronting Provider Burnout in Healthcare

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September 30, 2024

It's Friday, you’re exhausted, and the weekend couldn't come soon enough. Sound familiar? We're not talking about your smartphone battery hitting 1%—we’re talking about you, our healthcare hero running on empty. Let’s have an honest chat about the burnout you might be pushing aside and how in-between care could be your secret weapon.

The Unique Challenge of Autoimmune and Chronic Conditions

If autoimmune conditions were a Netflix show, they'd be the never-ending series that keeps you on your toes. Unlike a broken bone that heals and moves on, autoimmune and chronic conditions demand constant attention. It's like being on call 24/7, with patients needing ongoing monitoring, treatment adjustments, and frequent consultations. Exhausted yet? We feel you.

Decoding Burnout: Are You in the Club?

Burnout among healthcare providers is skyrocketing, especially for those treating autoimmune conditions. It’s like carrying an emotional backpack that gets heavier with every patient interaction. You’re building long-term relationships, sharing in your patients’ ups and downs, and let’s not even start on the administrative tasks piling up like a never-ending game of Tetris.

Here are some signs you might be part of the "Burnout Club":

  • The Emotional Black Hole: Feeling like your passion for your work got sucked into a vortex? You’re not alone.
  • The Zombie Effect: Everyone around you blends into one monotonous blur, and you’re just going through the motions.
  • The 'Why Bother?' Syndrome: Accomplishments? Meh. Everything feels like a drop in the ocean.

Burnout is like running on 1% battery without a charger in sight. You can't just "power up" overnight and expect to be at 100% the next day.

Spotting the Red Flags

Ever caught yourself snapping at a colleague for no reason or feeling like you've forgotten what a proper meal is? You might be channeling your inner Dr. Jane Doe—scrolling through patient files with a sense of numbness. If this sounds familiar, it might be time to hit the brakes.

The Ripple Effect of Burnout

Think burnout is just a "you" problem? Think again. It's a domino effect that impacts patient care, your relationships, and the whole healthcare system. It's not just a bad day—it's a systemic issue that needs tackling.

The Challenge of Rheumatology and Medical Staff Shortages

Now, let’s throw in the shortage of healthcare professionals, especially rheumatologists. The American College of Rheumatology says we're facing a major shortfall, and it’s only getting worse. This means you're not just taking on more patients; you're juggling them. And it's not just in rheumatology—it's across the board. Doctors, nurses, support staff—everyone’s stretched thin, making it nearly impossible to provide the level of care your patients deserve.

Burnout Busters: Let's Get Creative

Sure, we all know about meditation and mindfulness. They’re like the kale smoothies of burnout prevention—good for you, but not everyone's favorite. Let’s spice it up with some not-so-traditional burnout busters:

  • Impromptu Dance Breaks: Yes, we mean it. Crank up your favorite tune and get grooving in the staff room. You’ll thank us later.
  • Karaoke Nights: Nothing says team bonding like belting out some classics with your colleagues. Bonus points if you can get your boss to join in.
  • Prescribe Yourself a Day Off: Self-care is healthcare. Take a break when you need it. Seriously.

In-Between Care: A Game Changer

In-between care is a revolutionary approach that can significantly ease the burden on providers while enhancing patient outcomes. ViuHealth is like your sidekick for those times when your workload feels overwhelming, providing the support that keeps both you and your patients steady.

ViuHealth’s Care Team works with your patients in-between office visits to provide continuous support. Our team focuses on helping patients manage stress, improve sleep quality, and reduce anxiety—key factors that often exacerbate autoimmune conditions. This means fewer urgent calls and less stress for you, the provider.

Imagine the peace of mind knowing your patients have access to dedicated nurses and health coaches who are just a message away, without needing to add additional staff members. They guide patients through flare-ups and daily management without the wait, allowing you to focus on the big picture without being constantly drained by day-to-day demands. With ViuHealth, you’re not just handing off care—you’re extending your care network, ensuring continuous support that lightens your load and helps prevent burnout from creeping up when you least expect it.

It's Okay to Ask for Help

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it's a smart strategy. Lean on your colleagues, mental health professionals, and innovative solutions like ViuHealth to share the load.


It’s time we change the narrative around burnout. Let’s turn it from a quiet confession into a bold conversation. Burnout is real, it’s prevalent, and it’s high time we deal with it—not as isolated incidents but as a communal challenge. 

By embracing in-between care and taking proactive steps to manage burnout, we can protect our healthcare heroes and ensure they continue to provide the life-changing care that patients with autoimmune and chronic conditions need.

Spotlight on Mental Health Research

  • Mindful Living
  • Decoding Dreams
  • The Science of Stress
  • The Psychology of Habits
  • Cultural Psychology

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